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Classified MTR83990

"Chocolate Fondue Night”

"Chocolate Fondue Night”

October 03, 2019
Services > Activities, Going Out
“Chocolate Fondue Night
Put “Chocolate Fondue Night” at the top of your agenda for your weekend activity today, you’ll have done something you will remember for the rest of your life.
Come to Tango Fabrika this Friday, Oct 07 starting at 10 pm. It’s the only milonga with chocolate fondue!
There's nothing better than a fun and entertaining milonga except a fun and entertaining milonga with chocolate fondue.
Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump once said: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get" but in the Tango Fabrika's Chocolate Fondue Night, you will know what you are going to get: excellent choice of music, a friendly clientele, a relaxing and positive ambience and last but not the least, an excellent chocolate fondue accompanied by appetizing dippable treats such as a variety fresh fruits, vegetables. etc.

Tango Fabrika: Absolutely Delightful!

5359 Avenue du Parc, Montreal
Montreal See on map
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