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Classified MTR83418

Supervised Practikas:

Supervised Practikas:

Montreal Island
October 02, 2019
On Mondays from 8 pm to 9 pm, Tango Fabrika offers a cozy place for students of all tango schools as well as experienced dancers to meet and practice tango. At least one of our teachers will always be on hand to answer questions and offer tips to improve the quality of your movements. > During our Pratikas, you will have the opportunity to improve or acquire new techniques such as the individual walk and walk as couple, cross & parallel systems, front and back ochos, tango posture, pivot, balance, connection, the dynamics of the body, dissociation, cross, ocho cortado, boleos, planeo, transition from open to close embraces, men's and women's ganchos, barridas, etc. > The cost is $6 but if you are current Tango Fabrika's student, the price is $4. > Practising with motivated and skillful people is a great way to improve your Tango techniques and the quality of your dancing . > >Tango Fabrika: The place where we share our feelings and also our knowledge! > > >5359 Avenue du Parc, Montreal >514-561-2323
Montreal Island See on map