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Annonce MTR86442

Cours d'espagnol : Apprendre l'espagnol rapidement

Cours d'espagnol : Apprendre l'espagnol rapidement

Île De Montréal
1 janvier 2020
Services > Cours, Leçons
Apprendre l'espagnol! à Multi-Language Café

* Description du cours :
This course is designed for everyone that would like to learn Spanish in a dynamic way (all levels).
During the course, the student will learn relevant grammar and expressions that can be used in real life. Also, the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries will be taught.

Este curso esdiseñado para todo aquel que quiera aprender español de forma dinámica (todos los niveles). Durante el curso, el alumno aprenderá reglas gramaticales relevantes y expresiones que pueda usar regularmente. También se enseñará la cultura de los países hispanohablantes.

* Méthode d'enseignement :
This course will focus on all aspect of the language by combining different skills. To begin with, it is necessary to learn some grammar aspects of the language that will vary depending on the level of the student. This approach would be quick and easy as dynamic exercises and texts would be provided. Once the grammar is understood we will start practising the usage of the language by speaking. This way, the student will have a complete knowledge of the language.

* À propos du professeur :
My name is Marina. I am from Madrid, the capital of Spain and I have studied Modern Languages and Translation in Alcalá de Henares, Cervantes' hometown. Apart from translation modules, I also took some courses of teaching.

Currently, I work as a Spanish Quality Assurance Tester, which main duty is to translate and proofread. For this job, a great knowledge of Spanish and good look for details are needed. As a translator and proofreader, I care about the language and I put special emphasis in learning all new grammar rules and expressions that may change from time to time in order to be updated.

I also have experience teaching both Spanish and English to children and adults and in different language levels. When teaching a language, I am concious that old methods in which the student only learns grammar rules and impossible vocabulary are not longer useful in our society. Therefore, I always try to innovate and teach in a dynamic way both the language and the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries.

Regardez nos cours et nos professeurs!