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Annonce MTR86504

Regardez nos cours et nos professeurs! MultiLanguageCafe

Regardez nos cours et nos professeurs! MultiLanguageCafe

Île De Montréal
14 janvier 2020
Services > Cours, Leçons
Apprendre le hindi
Hindi for beginners & intermediate à Multi-Language Café

* Description du cours :
Namasté ! The focus of this class is spoken, reading and written Hindi. For all those who want their children or themselves to be able to write, read and speak this language full of culture. Who knows you might read holy books like 'Ramayana' with this Hindi Knowledge.

* Méthode d'enseignement :
Class will be divided into 3 major sections namely: Reading, Writing & Speaking. However, it may also happen that some session may have only one of the described section depending on students. During the course, you will also be able to read Hindi printouts. You'll enjoy the class as it will be fun as well as challenging for some. The objective is to improve the quality of your Hindi.

* À propos du professeur :
Before taking any class I plan and prepare the lesson(s). I not only teach a subject, but explain it in such a way as to make it easy for a student to learn. I do also modify my instruction to meet the individual student at his/her ability level, and bring them to proficiency.

* Endroits il est possible de suivre ce cours :
- Public place: L'alentour du Berri Uqam, Pavillon Judith-Jasmin, Montréal, H2L 2C4
- Library: Centre de Loisirs de la ville St-Laurent, 1375 Rue Grenet, Montréal, QC H4L 5K3
- Coffee shop: Tim Hortons, 1191 Decarie Boulevard, Montreal, QC H4L3N1
- Autres lieux publics
- Par Skype
- À domicile
- À votre bureau

Regardez nos cours et nos professeurs!